Introducing Interconnect World Sydney
The goal of Interconnect World Sydney (IW) is to bring together the industry's leading telcos, ISPs, IXs, TMT investors, government agencies along with key enterprise decision makers. These stakeholders will consider key technology and investment trends and address best practices in terms of the connectivity of digital infrastructure.
Interconnection enables the seamless flow of data and information across networks, systems, and devices. It is critical to the connectivity of any digital infrastructure ecosystem.
If connectivity cannot keep up with demand, there is no digital economy, no virtual gaming, chatting or meeting, and many of the technological advances of the past 50 years would remain little more than just ideas. As networks, services and comms technology race to keep up with demand growth, telecom operators play a pivotal role in meeting the ever-growing demand for data connectivity from consumers, companies and cities.
The accelerating transformation of customer requirements means many operators face challenging investment, marketing and R&D decisions in order to remain competitive and profitable in the face of increased competition from over-the-top and tech players. The rollout of 5G will be the first in a series of major infrastructure investments.
At Interconnect World, we will focus on these key issues that will shape the future commercial and technological future of telcos and thereby the future of the entire digital economy.
This keynote will analyse: