Why be an speaker at our event?
Participating as a speaker at an event attended by 1500-2500 attendees which involved 60% c-level executives from industry leading companies is a strategically powerful move, offering a multitude of benefits for you as an industry player. By sharing your insights, you not only establish credibility and authority, positioning yourself as a thought leader in the industry, but also shape the industry. This not only sets you apart from competitors but also boosts your visibility and exposure within the professional community. The networking opportunities that arise from speaking engagements can lead to valuable connections, fostering business growth and potential collaborations.
W.media, APAC’s leading Interconnect World media platform being official media patner, top speakers also get featured in Magazine, news, podcast or webinar depending on the contnet relevance along with event participation
Our speaker opportunities
No two firms are cut from the same cloth. And that is why we tailor our sponsorship offers to align with your specific marketing needs, budget and target audience in the Interconnect World Industry. Choose from a range of sponsorship options that help you increase your brand awareness, engage with your target audience, build credibility and close some deals. Below are the different types of sponorship opportunities we provide at our events